Sunday 4 October 2009

Inital Thoughts

When considering the start of this production, I thought I had an unfinished project. Last year I produced a body of work called '1984' It was based around George Orwells '1984'. The project looked at government and it watches the British people 24/7. How society is controlled by the media, how we are told what to think, what to buy and what will make us happy...

Throughout the project I looked into all of these factors. Finally I started to narrow it down to the issue of surveillance. I looked into some other students work and other work done on this subject. When tackling this issue people seem to take photos different surveillance cameras. I decided this was fairly unimaginative. I decided to take a different root. I photographed two subjects going about there day. There were two sets of images. And within these sets you would see the two subjects cross over.

I was really happy with the results. I printed A0, I like to print big. I think for these sets a large print was needed.

However I think this idea can be developed. I don't feel like I've brought it to conclusion.


  1. Interesting blog. I hear what you are saying about the '1984' style of government here in the UK. The media does have too much control but we can choose to listen and watch our own channels.

  2. Yeah i agree with you. Interesting that we choose to be controlled like this. We're happy this way.
