Sunday, 16 May 2010


This campaign pokes fun at this anti-terrorism law. Suggesting that it’s absurd that the everyday photographer photographing buildings and people in public could assist terrorism. So I have use floor plans and under laid photographs of arbitrary buildings and spaces. I'm suggesting that these images are terrorist plans.

I used abstract photographs of these places to give an overall feel of the spaces. To give the images depth.

I think the work is fairly unique and intriguing. It’s certainly not something I’ve seen before. Also something that is really relevant to me and people in the field I wish to peruse.

The project raises a lot of different issues;

Should there be limitation on documentary photography?
Do practitioners realise and understand the laws around photography?
Is Orwell’s 1984 a reality to a degree today? Is Big Brother Necessary?
Are our humans rights harmed or protected by this law?

I’m not just commenting on Section 44 with this project but also the surveillance issues we have in this country.

I’m pleased with the final outcome of my work. I feel that as conceptual art I have delivered an interesting and coherent body of work. I decided against using text because I think it would make the work too obvious. Although the text would make the images more campaign Esq. I like the idea of testing the viewer. Making them work to understand the imagery. Again I didn’t make a rationale piece for this reason. I feel that a short rationale with suffice to explain the work.

However if the work was commissioned as a campaign to make people aware of this subject I think Text would be needed in order to explain the theory behind the piece.

Another Idea I decided against was framing the images in billboards. It something that had worked for me before. However that campaign was about advertisement so using bill boards to frame the work was a natural progression. It had no contextual weight in this project.

I chose my strongest six for my finals. I have more work but I felt quality rather than quantity was required for this sequence of Images.
Displaying for exhibitions, is something I have thought about as this could be the work I use in Free Range and the Degree show. I’m submitting the images as a sequence of six but I’d like to display the sequence using light boxes. I think this could be really effective. Using the light to highlight certain areas of the photographs. Would look really effective Highlighting the just the floor plans. Certainly from a campaign point of view it would make the sequence that wow factor.
I have enjoyed making this body of work; mainly because it comments on what I feel is an important subject. Also it’s different from work I’ve produced in the past.

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